

I, as many Americans are highly disappointed in our government and their lack of leadership. It is sad to see all the discord that is and has been happening within our leading body over the last couple years.  With so many Americans living day to day not knowing where their next meal will come from or if they will be able to get by we have all these so called "representatives" not working for the people. The same people that elected them to office to be their voice. These so called leaders had well over 500 DAYS to work together to get a deal put together. But alas we are stuck with a bunch of bickering children fighting over a deal that is not really anything that will work for the American people as a whole. SHAME ON YOU Government SHAME ON YOU. Everything is done last minute rushing to throw something together that will not be a compromise from both sides. What were you all doing for a year and a half that you couldn't all work together to c...


Well I haven't been on here for some time now... Just posted some drafts I've had collecting dust.  Gotten some new found motivation to start posting on here again.  Many things have been happening in my life, mostly positive which is always a plus! Stay tuned! :-)

Unnecessary Violence - Who is really to blame?

Well this post is pretty much self explanatory... It saddens me that in this day and age we are still mindlessly killing each other and hurting others.  There have been so many robberies turned murder scenes lately that you cant keep track. Recently  in the news there was a robbery attempt that left  2 kids (16 and 13) dead for no apparent reason, and to top it all off the suspects are 2 kids themselves (18 and 19). Where is the parenting in our society where are the morals?  Do people not nurture and guide kids enough and to go down the right path anymore? Is that so old fashioned? Maybe I'm just being optimistic for our future generation-but its not looking promising at the rate we are going. This ongoing spiraling decline into this violent abyss is going to eventually get out of hand, more so than it is already. This all begins at home with parents and families. There are too many broken homes and children raising themselves. Many of these lost/misg...

Priorities...or Lack there of....

Ahhh Priorities and the US.... Where have they gone? Why do we as Americans prioritize the WRONG things!!! Why do we focus our attention on glorifying celebrities and nonsense instead of focusing on issues that matter?? Why do we not focus our energy on the importance of education or the current debt/unemployment crisis we are in?.... Why do we not care about helping our youth? We as a country are setting up our children for failure (not that I have any yet, but I'm still concerned)


Florida.... Well I've been here for almost 2 years now (where has time gone?!?). It's been quite the culture change vs. NY that is definitely for sure. There are many aspects of NY that I miss but at the same time many that I am glad I don't have to deal with any more. The changes are palpable on a day to day basis- I am glad I do not have to ride a smelly subway or crowded bus but in contrast I don't like driving here because drivers are so unpredictable.  That is probably my BIGGEST complaint about Florida - Drivers or lack there of. There are either really old people on the road that are slow and drive in the inappropriate lanes or there are young drivers that don't give a damn about how they drive and keep you on your toes (literally) Is it so hard to use a turn signal... really?!?! People here are nice and polite and say please and thank you and random strangers say Hello and Goodbye. I'm still getting used to this aspect of life here; in NY you keep ...

Current Happenings

Hello All, Just wanted to post regarding the current events in the news and the world... Well as we all know Osama Bin Laden has been killed by the US Navy Seals. If you haven't heard about it well you're probably living under a rock and haven't been a member of society in a long time. I, for one am quite content with the outcome of the special ops mission. Osama did not deserve any type of mercy or trail - Fuck Him . To be very honest I don't think he would have gotten a fair trail anyways, so I really don't know why that would have even crossed anyone's mind. It has been a long time coming; that bullet to his big head. I do not understand the people that are criticizing or judging people for being happy with his death. Yes, grant it he was another human being and we shouldn't be happy for his death but should we really have compassion for someone that was filled with so much hate.  I have another bone to pick with all the people that have that ...


Hello and Welcome to my Blog... I have decided to blog to share my day to day observations of life and reflections of how things are perceived at least in my opinion. I will apologize before I even get started if I offend since these are my views and everyone does have a right to have their own opinion. You might not agree with mine; and I will respect that.  I was going to start this through Facebook as a Note but thought this would be a better forum for my observations. (and maybe I'll get some followers lol)  There are many things that annoy/bother or I'm just tired of that I would like to reflect on.  I would like to clarify that I will not use this as a soap box or platform to complain about life but rather of my observations of good or bad things I encounter throughout life.  With that said... I bid thee farewell till next time. I promise to try to post at least once a week depending on my adventures and "simple observations"... HD